Register to Judge at TXSEF 2025
To register as a judge for TXSEF 2025, follow these steps:
- Click the link below: “Register to Judge at TXSEF 2025.”
- Create an account on the STEM Wizard platform by providing the requested information.
- Once your account is created, complete all required steps on STEM Wizard to finalize your registration.
Important: This is a new system, and all participants must create a new account and complete the registration process, even if they judged in previous years.
The deadline to register is March 3, 2025, by 11:59 p.m. CST.
Event Details:
TXSEF 2025 will be held March 29, 2025, in person at the Texas A&M University Student Recreation Center in College Station, Texas.
Category Judge Qualifications
We invite current college students, faculty, industry professionals, retirees and all STEM enthusiasts to volunteer as judges to review project categories where they have experience and expertise.
Criteria for Senior Division Judges: in pursuit of a master’s degree or higher or at least five years of experience in a science and/or engineering field.
Criteria for Junior Division Judges: in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree or higher. In lieu of a degree, judges may have at least three years of experience in a science and/or engineering field or four years of work experience in a physical or life science field.
Category Judges are responsible for reviewing projects as well as providing encouragement and constructive criticism; your opinions are highly valued by these students. We expect over 1,400 students participating in 21 categories in 2 divisions.
Judging takes place in two age groups:
- Junior level (middle school students)
- Senior level (high school students)
There also are two project types:
- Individual (completed by a single student)
- Team (completed by a team of students)
If you have any questions about judging, contact us at [email protected].