2022 Best of State Life Sciences
Senior Division
Mehak Gaba, Halley Compuesto & Rajvi Babaria | Vista Ridge High School | An integrative approach of utilizing antipsychotic supplements designated for Schizophrenia and endogenous firing rate differential equation models to induce neuronal synaptic activity in PINK-1 gene mutated C. elegans with Parkinson’s disease
Honorable Mention:
Siddhanth Pachipala | Academy of Science and Technology | SuiSensor: A Novel, Low-Cost Machine Learning System for the Early Detection and Tracking of Suicidal Ideation via Computational Linguistics
Junior Division
Sharmada Palakurthi | Baker A Middle School | Development of New Biomarker For the Diagnosis of Neurological Diseases
Honorable Mention:
Elizabeth Reilly | Saint Matthew’s Catholic School | Using Every Possible Pathway: A Natural Way of Battling COVID-19 Inflammation-Related Complications
2022 Best of State Physical Sciences
Senior Division
Aseel Rawashdeh | Anderson High School | Low-cost Electrochemical Arsenic Detection (LEAD): A Novel Quantitative, Portable, and Ultra-Sensitive Arsenic Sensor Using Pencil Lead
Honorable Mention:
Otto Beall | Plano East Senior High School | Redesigning Surface Conduction Manifolds to Improve the Efficiency and Reliability of Solar Panels
Junior Division
Ana Spiride | Rice Middle School | drEYEve: A Novel Gaze-Controlled Movement System
Honorable Mention:
Audrey Tremont | Seabrook Intermediate | Does a Baseball Formula Apply to Softball?